Its added value is:
• Enhanced decision-making
• Fill the gap between different generations
• Sustain the values in society and allow flexibility for change
• Achieve intergenerational equity.

• pairs of individuals from different generations in a mentor/mentee relationship
• young people interning in NGOs or with governments
• networks / organizations from different generations co-managing sustainable development and peace building projects
• young people being included within NGO and/or country delegations in global governance processes on sustainability
• supporting young people to engage in pertinent scholarship and providing a platform for disseminating and applying their research
• youth organizations consulting and working in collaboration with elders on projects, programs, etc.
This in a nutshell is the outcome from a workshop during the Tiblisi+30 ICEE in Ahmedabad. The Youth Initiative from Earth Charter is planning to draft a resolution on this issue to be adopted by the IUCN World Conservation Congress in October 2008.