Internet notebook about my work: deep listening to facilitate positive change


Monday, 31 December 2012

Universal principles

Listening on New Years Eve to the Bach’s Suites forvioloncello solo, it occurred to me that all music is based on a hiearchy of a few universal principles: sound – beat – emotion – rythm – melody – scales – harmony – contra-point.

As music is a communication vehicle, the hiearchy of universal communication princlipes might be:

Audience - Issue - Relevance (emotions, benefits, attention, interest, desires) - Objectives (knowledge, attitudes, action) - Message - Channels (media - e.g. music) - Timing - Feedback.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Rebranding a conservation initiative

A good example of the power of branding. Left the old  look , right the new one. The changes in the name, the tagline (changing the game for nature), the wording of mission and activities, the visual language - all point at a new action and people oriented approach. The new positioning points out core beliefs: nature is worth throwing a party for; people are the solution, they know the real deal; we are not afraid of change, we will do what it takes to change the game for nature. The site visitor, who sympathizes with this work can immediately contribute by making a (in the UK tax deductable) donation. Check out both sites and the power of communication. Good work of Futerra.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

How to introduce adaptation?

A nice video by Arturo Curiel and Guadalupe Garibay Chavez to introduce the issue of climate change adaptation in capacity development workshops for municipal policymakers in the state of Jalisco.

Saturday, 8 December 2012