Most definitions of ESD are long, abstract and difficult to remember. "ESD is a new pedagogy". This metaphor came up in one of the exchanges during the Tiblisi+30 conference. ESD is not only about a new content, it is also a new approach to learning. The new pedagogy does not only apply to formal education. It equally applies to learning in an informal or non-formal context. Maybe even more. Educators become facilitators of learning for change or change process managers. The
Samvardham approach is a good example of educators becoming change facilitators and managers. It also showcases the shift from supply driven to demand driven education. That in itself generates new contents. We should also apply the new pedagogy in our own learning processes. Now most workshops I attended during the conference were structured according to the 'lecturing' model. Even in many rooms they used classroom seating arrangements. There is definitely a need to work on strengthening the facilitation capacities of educators: one of the spearheads of the new draft
IUCN CEC mandate.
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