Blog and website
I am very new to blogging (it is very expensive as our telephone bills skyrocket - I surf the net only on Sundays or after 9 p.m). It is very interesting but somehow the site needs to be warmer and inviting (a bright picture at the top ? Your smiling face? at least A smiling face at the top?). The same applies to the website. I like the text and the structure of both very much (very user friendly, very useful stuff) - but not the look and the feel somehow: too cool and clinically scientific, it does not feel like a refuge. Needs an inviting face and eyes! I've been browsing . . . - I know this sounds odd -- but Harry Potter fans do seem to browse the mugglenet site frequently and find it irresistible - on a different plane I admit, but its a very effective and warm meeting point.

Could we advertise up coming events? Training events, workshops etc. This will interest NBSAP coordinators. Perhaps we should give the names of CEC CEPA experts that NBSAP coordinators can contact, if they want to clarify anything on communication? What about problem sharing opportunities online? Could we have a link to the website in the GEF webpage? We also should ask CEC members in different countries whether they can get the hard copies/CDs across to the Ministers of Environment or CBD focal points. Maybe we should have a short press release that can be circulated via e-mail to journalist/communicators networks with the web link. Again CEC members can also here (I can get this done here). They can also send it to the local newspapers with a picture.
Suggestions for the Blog
Could we focus on running a dialogue on the different sections or topics of the toolkit: e.g. stakeholder consultation? I mean you give your comments (a sort of editorial with a catchy title) on a definite topic in the toolkit with reference to the chapter or section and encourage a debate on the toolkit and also sharing of experiences and examples. Hope this makes sense. I am still spending limited time at the computer, as my eyes are not back to normal. It is great being part of the team.
Post Scriptum
Incidentally, my mother was a first violinist in one of the two Symphony Orchestras of Sri Lanka during her time! I still have her grade 5 examination card (Royal School of Music London) where she has got full marks for all her grade 5 pieces. She also played some by Fritz Kreisler and Nicolo Paganini which I loved to hear. I really miss the private recitals after she passed away. Hope you are still continuing with the violin. I had a baby violin which was about 1 foot long and perfectly like the real one. But alas, my hold (my thumb bends) did not quite qualify to meet my mothers high standards! All the best and hope to see a smiling face on the site.
Hi Jinie,
Thanks for your advice. I immediately changed the lay out of the blog. I hope it is more readable. You have the choice only between a limited number of blog lay-outs. And I followed your suggestion to put a photo of myself with a smile. Was not easy to find!
P.S. What did your mother play for you from Fritz Kreisler: Caprice Viennois? Liebesleid? Tambourin Chinois? And she must have played for you the Caprices by Paganini, especially the number 24 called Theme and variations. That is a nice melody for children. I also have good memories when my father was studying, and had at the same time to look after me. I used to stand between his knees, while he was sitting on a chair playing. And over the head of this small boy came the sounds I liked best that time: the Chaconne by Bach, or Introduction et Rondo Cappricioso by Saint Saens. I am lucky my father is still alive – he is 88 now. And when I visit him we play duos for violin by Bartok. You may also know them.
This is such a change (the blog) is now quite inviting - though I did get a shock to see my face so large on the screen! I take back all my initial comments on chill. (Have to check the toolkit site though ). I think the link to Paganini is a brilliant idea ! It makes the blog much more human
- sharing other interests that are linked with communication skills - listening.
The quiz is a great idea too. I have a few minor suggestions to make the text more clear.
I have not been able to access some features but that is because of a problem with my computer. Waiting to check out the game. I will apprise our NBSAP coordinator about the sites as well. Would you like me to interview him when he has time to read the website and send it in for your
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