Sisi Initiative was a 2012 Equator Prize
winner. Facts and fgures are
described in a UNDP case study. United Nations Development Programme. 2013. Sisi Initiative
Site Support Group, Fiji. Equator Initiative Case Study Series. New York, NY. Based on this information we retell here the story according to the principles of
story telling. We choose to do so from the perspective of the treasurer of the
Sisi Initiative, telling other indigenous land owners in the country how they
generated positive change.
Strategic Story Elements
Target audience: indigenous landowners in other parts of the country
Target audience: indigenous landowners in other parts of the country
Key point: small steps towards new
livelihoods can help you, your land and that of your children
Conflict: Community reluctance to egnage in conservation of their land without concrete benefits
Hero: Mr. Silio Lalaqila, Treasurer, Sisi
Initiative Site Support Group, Fiji
Adversary: Communities engaging in activities harming the forest and biodiversity
My name is Silio
Lalaqila and I am the Treasurer of the Sisi Initiative. I am from the Island of
Vanua Levu that is situated in the North of Fiji. The mountainous peninsula of Natewa
Tunuloa on the island is rich of forests. At sunrise you can hear the songs of
many birds. One of them is the Sisi, the rare Fijian silktail bird, that we are all
proud of. In the days of my grandparents the people in our small indigenous
communities were mostly farmers. They occasionally went into the forest for
firewood, timber, hunting, some wild foods and medicinal plants.
As it seems
that all good things come to an end, that lifestyle slowly disappeared. People
started to cut forests for mahogany or coconut plantations. Sometimes people
set the forest on fire for such purposes. Commercial logging brought in money but also caused erosion and
floods. Lack of water and bad quality drinking water became part of our daily
problems. The provincial government and international NGOs started to organize
workshops to create awareness and build capacity for positive change. I went
there and we discussed alternatives for income generated by logging. With the help of
conservation NGOs we started our Sisi Initiative, a Community based group of
When we work
in the local communities we tell them “Protecting
biodiversity is not just about protecting birds or plants, it’s about
protecting what’s rightfully yours, your children’s and your children’s
children’s. What type of planet will our future generations be living in by
2020? Patience is a virtue and together with hard work and commitment, you’re
sure to succeed and be recognized for the little things you do.” So
slowly we started over the years to engage clan land owners in agreeing not to
log for at least ten years and make a joint management plan for the forest. In
return they would benefit from alternative livelihood schemes. That was a first step. We developed the next steps one by one, as success make success follow.
Today they
engage in beekeeping, sandalwood farming, yam cultivation, poultry. For women
we have handicrafts training, e.g. basket weaving, jewelery making, pastry
baking etc. With the help of the Forest Department the communities help restore
the forest to reduce soil erosion. These are all small contributions to the
larger goal of conserving our land as we received it from our ancestors.
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