In 'Sell the Sizzle' Futerra shows us a new segmentation of the climate change audiences. We have seen them in Copenhagen. The global cynics: the outright deniers, the worriers about costs, the others-first, the industry lobbyists, even the radical political groups and defaitists who haved lost faith in the UN system. Then there are the global activists: the climate campaigners, the carbon realists and the carbon opportunists. They all
frame the issue in their own way. Finally there are the home first: people who are next to us in the super market, in the train etc. They are the majority - the quantifications are my optimistic guesses. They feel not engaged at all. The point Futerra makes is that change has to come from the 'home first'. Who will reach this audience first? We or the cynics? How we communicate is vital.
Not with a focus on imminent disasters, but by letting them dream of a life with a lighter footprint and giving them the choices we need to make to get there.
Read it all for yourself.
1 comment:
I believe that we can convince the "home first" people by making it simple: 2,5 tons carbon per capita is the amount that Mother Earth can handle. In total about 700 Gigatons until 2050. We need a global agreement to set that limit. Else nobody will really stick to it and we are heading for disaster.
After establishing this global framework, everyone who would like to continue a carbon-heavy lifestyle (emitting more than the 2,5 tons) needs to buy rights from others who emit less. Once there is a price tag to carbon, everyone will discover that it is quite easy to save on carbon expenditure. In general, don't you think that ruining the planet should at least be a little bit more expensive than saving it???
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