Biodiversity in schools is often seen as normal biology. To show Parties to the CBD that another approach is possible, the German
Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety published an English translation of one of their education kits. The kit – Biological Diversity, educational and information materials - is part of the German
campaign to raise awareness for COP 9 and meant for school kids in the age of 12 – 16. The content is organized in six sections: species diversity worldwide, national parks and biosphere reserves, high-tech from nature, project suggestion, learning and competences check and background information for teachers. The kit contains worksheets and information sheets. The sheets are designed to copy for students. All references are to information on the web rather than to books. The kit is targeted to kids in Germany, but with some adaptations and additions teachers in many countries can use the materials. Or get inspired by it to develop their own version. To order the kit write to:
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