A great tagline differentiates you from your competitors while expressing your organization's or event's personality and adding consistency to your marketing and communications. The German Ministry hosting the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, felt the need to brand the event: one nature - one world - our future. The mission is: The objective of COP 9 is to find political solutions to the loss of biodiversity and to work towards the goal to reduce significantly the rate of this loss at global, regional and local level.

To reach out to the public for this event, the ministry started an information campaign. The main messages are:
All species are interdependent. If we destroy one species we endanger many more. In the end it is us the endangered species. To complement the advertising campaign (
advertisements in
road show,
campaign song,
webpage, printed materials etc.) the Ministry initiated a
Nature Alliance, a partnership with opinion leaders from culture, media, private sector and NGOs who contribute to a range of activities, seminars and events.
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