How do we change behaviour? Should we concentrate our efforts on how people relate to nature or on how people deal with uncertainty, time, potential gains and potential losses? And if we look at change processes: do people base their decisions on analytical assessments of costs and benefits or on emotional drivers, based on personal experiences? How many worries can people deal with at the same time? How does the framing of risks influence people's attitudes? What are the differences between decisions reached on an individual basis or in a group? Would it not be wise to investigate to what extent technical solutions resonate with people, before investing in them? These are only some of the questions addressed in an article by Jon Gertner -
"Why isn't the brain green?" - in the
New York Times. This weekend
Keith Wheeler sent me this overview of recent research on environmental decisions. ‘Gefundenes Fressen’ for further reflection and discussion, I would say for anyone who works to change policies, practices and behaviour in order to deal effectively with issues such as climate change or the loss of biodiversity.
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