How to send seasons greetings on behalf of the company and still be simple and personal? The closer people are to us, the more personal and direct (face to face, phone, sms) we convey our best wishes. Privately most people still send greetings cards by normal mail. Companies are learning to avoid the footprint of the traditional greeting card and increasingly send electronic greetings. What can they do to increase the satisfaction of the receiver and add to their reputation? A few tips:
Design a card yourself and insert it in the text window of the mail. Don't use free or commercial online greetings cards. Use a photo, a drawing or painting. Be careful with music or video (time and audience). Make sure the message is short, simple and personal. Don't forget your company's tagline and website. Have staffs send the card to their own relations. Individual mailings cost more time but offer staffs the possibility for an extra personal message.
1 comment:
Another way to avoid making your carbon footprint any bigger is by sending green greeting cards. There are lots of eco-friendly options out there.
And, if you're looking for a deal, I know one company with a great offer out there right now. Go to and use keycode Z3666 at checkout to get $50 off any order of 200 cards or more. It expires on 8/14 and they have a great section of green cards to choose from.
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