Internet notebook about my work: deep listening to facilitate positive change


Saturday 10 November 2007

'Deep listening' to images

An image says more than a thousand words. In her presentation during the Trondheim conference, CEC member Juliane Zeidler analyzed the impact on the ground in Namibia of the conceptual frameworks of the MEA’s, the national planning frameworks and the donor policies. What impressed me were the photos, taken by Juliane and her friend Louisa Nakanuku. You feel the tension between the community level and the (inter)national environmental and development goals. Think of terms such as: Paris declaration; mainstreaming environment in PRSPs; ecosystem services; National Development Plans; key result areas; performance review process; GEF. And then look at the photos and ask yourself: will change occur top down, bottom-up or both ways? If you want to see the full presentation, click here.

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