Internet notebook about my work: deep listening to facilitate positive change


Thursday 24 May 2007


My name is Pema Choedon. And to be transparent about it, my eldest aunt is Frits’ wife. I am a student of B.A. (Hons.) in Journalism at the Lady Shri Ram College in New Delhi. I am currently doing an internship with in Dharamsala (North India), which started out as a forum for interaction amongst young Tibetans. It has now grown into a full- fledged news website. This summer I am also hoping to intern with one of India's daily newspapers.

After being on trial for some period and passing a few tests, Frits said I was qualified to help him with editing his blog and possibly assist him later on with other work. My objective of doing this work is to learn about communication and the environmental issues and how people outside India think about change towards sustainable development. I also want to explore how I can apply my knowledge as a student of journalism, within the frame work of an international consultancy. I will share my views by commenting on postings as well.

Here's to a new journey and an opportunity to grow a little. Hopefully, not only for myself but for you too. Cheers!

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